Bar Exams

California Bar Passage Rate Holds Steady; Shame For Underperforming Schools Deepens

California has released some macro-level results from the July 2011 administration of the bar exam. The California bar is notoriously difficult, and every year we like to take a look at which schools prepared their students well for the exam, and which schools did not. You might be surprised at which California law school had the best passage rate on the California bar. Hint: it's not Stanford, or Boalt Hall, or UCLA....

Sponsored Content

The Hidden Threat: How Fake Identities used by Remote Employees Put Your Business at Risk—and How to Defend Against This

Based on our experience in recent client matters, we have seen an escalating threat posed by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) information technology (IT) workers engaging in sophisticated schemes to evade US and UN sanctions, steal intellectual property from US companies, and/or inject ransomware into company IT environments, in support of enhancing North Korea’s illicit weapons program.

Email Scandals

USC Law’s Snitch Patrol: Episode Two

Last week, we covered the apparent epidemic of snitching happening at USC Gould School of Law. A person who sympathized with the snitch wrote a sarcastic email making fun of those who were outraged by the tattletale. And he was just warming up. Read on for updates, amusement, and enlightenment....

Email Scandals

Student Rats Out Professor, Then Flips Off Rest of Class

Some people will say that today's stupid law student email of the day comes from a rat. A snitch. A person who betrayed the trust of his fellow classmates. Others will say it comes from a whistleblower. A person of conscience. A student who saw a wrong being committed and decided to speak up. Either way, it comes from a person who needed to take a break, a nap, a siesta, before rattling off an email to his entire class....

Bar Exams

California Bar Exam Results By Law School: Open Thread

Here in New York, home to Above the Law and Breaking Media, we’re gearing up for more epic snow. Those of you lucky enough to live in the Golden State might have to deal with earthquakes, mudslides, and obnoxious celebrities, but at least you don’t have to deal with blizzards. Falling snow? Not in sunny […]

Blog Wars

Christopher Stone Is Not Actually a Trojan Man

Gawker posed a very inflammatory question yesterday: How Did the Owner of a Barely-Legal Teen Gossip Blog Get Into a Prestigious Law School? The law school in question is USC Gould School of Law, currently ranked #18. Gawker commenters wondered whether this was a misuse of the term “prestigious.” The gossip blog owner in question […]